Save 5 hours a week with Cubiko

This medical practice is a single practice in Newcastle. The practice is owned and operated by health practitioners. They cover all elements of Primary Care, including the treatment of short- and long-term medical conditions. The practice also has “an unspoken rule to always see children,” says the Practice Manager.

Engaging with Scale my Clinicone of their focuses has been on delivering exceptional care to their patients through appropriate chronic disease management (CDM).  

“We were looking for a system that would minimise the operator having to extract, filter and search endlessly for our data. Cubiko is that system, saving me 2 hours a week and the nurse 30mins a day.”

Practice Manager

We sat down with a Practice Manager, who preferred to stay anonymous, to discuss their Cubiko journey.

The Opportunity

We sat down with the Practice Manager of this medical practice to discuss their Cubiko journey.  


The medical practice needed a system that could: 

  • Help identify potential revenue 
  • Assist in the management of chronic disease for their patients 
  • Save the practice team time 

The practice manager had previously used a clinical data analytics platform to find patients eligible for chronic disease related item numbers. Using this was time-consuming for having to: 

  1. Open the program 
  2. Run a collection on their data which took 10 minutes 
  3. Find the relevant MBS item number 
  4. Manually set the clinical filters. 
  5. Utilising server resources during the day 

This reporting used to take the Practice Manager two hours a week, and the clinical nurse up to 30 minutes a day to find the opportunities for the Practice to deliver exceptional clinical outcomes. 

The Solution

Cubiko is a practice intelligence platform that looks to save the practice team time, increase revenue through item optimisation and empower the team to be their best every day, for every patient. 

Item Optimisation

  • Cubiko’s Item Optimisation metrics focus on MBS Item Numbers and the potential eligibility of that patient based on their billing history, not looking to make a clinical judgement. 
  • Madison set processes in place in the Practice to have the reception and nurse print off eligible patients for the 10997s, and then to follow up with their doctor and, if clinically appropriate, the patient 
  • Item Optimisation allows for efficient use of the MBS schedule to deliver exceptional patient care while also increasing revenue. 

Cubiko’s Ease-of-use

  • We pride ourselves on ease-of-use at Cubiko, ensuring that our customers; health professionals and practice staff get the most out of our software.  
  • Using Cubiko doesn’t take hours of your day or a software degree. We’ve managed medical practices and understand you don’t have the capacity for time-consuming software. 
  • Cubiko’s easeofuse means that all of my team can log in and access what they need; this greatly helps prioritisation in the PracticeWe don’t have the time for manual reports and need the data when we want to make the decision” says the Practice Manager.  

How medical practices use Cubiko

  • Strategic Focus: In the Practice, you can’t focus on every little thing. The team at this medical practice use Cubiko to measure their strategic efforts to grow the Practice and deliver exceptional patient care. 
  • Team Meetings: Each Monday, the medical practice leadership team comes together and runs through the Cubiko Operations Summary, seeing at a glance their new patient numbers, billings data, utilisation across their team and patient DNAs.  
  • Empowering the team: Cubiko’s insights allow this medical practice’s team to bring the team on the journey. Item optimisation allows the practice manager to work with the doctors in saving time and utilising the nurse for CDM. 

The Results

Increased billings by $1,500

“Let’s look at today, due to Cubiko’s item optimisation and clinical judgement from our doctors, we were able to bill for an ATSI Health Assessment, and four care plans we wouldn’t otherwise know were possible. That’s $1,500 today from increased revenue due to Cubiko.” says the Practice Manager.

Save 5 hours a week

Cubiko’s one-touch reporting and analytics allows this practice manager to save 2 hours of her time a week, and her nurse 30mins a day. In saving time, they can work with more patients and ensuring the Practice is sustainable into the future. 

“Using Cubiko, we found $600 in opportunities for 10981s, today had $1,500 in additional billings through Cubiko’s item optimisation and saved time to deliver greater patient outcomes.”

Practice Manager

Ready to explore Cubiko?