Appointment Optimisation

Data to help you fill appointment books and engage with patients

rebooking rate cubiko

Reduce the number of patient no shows

See your unconfirmed appointments for today and the next three days. Filter these appointments by patients with high Did Not Attend (DNA) rates. Add this to your receptions daily workflow to action daily to reduce patient DNA rate.

Ensure bulk-billing eligibility for telehealth

See a complete list of patients with upcoming appointments who may not be eligible for a telehealth appointment. Review this list with Practitioners to explore the patient’s eligibility criteria so that you can reschedule these appointments to determine if they are exempt.


Insights into appointment books

Get a historical view of the percentage of appointments booked on the day.  Manage your walk-in appointments and have confidence in billing projections based on future utilisation forecasts.

Engage with patients

Champion engagement with patients, and pro-actively reach out. Measure your rebooking rate of patients and drill-down to specific appointments. Understand whether that patient does come back for their skin appointments. 

Optimise your practice’s appointment book today

More great features from Cubiko

Everything you need to reduce the stress in running a practice

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Easily determine the targets your practice needs to meet your practice goals.


My Cubiko

An individual summary dashboard for the data-empowered practitioner. 


Multisite Reporting

Aggregated reporting for businesses with multiple practice locations.

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