Multisite Reporting

Aggregated reporting for businesses with multiple practices. Group reporting made easy.

Be a data-empowered decision maker

Make data-empowered decisions to drive growth, increase revenue and optimise your operational efforts.

Benchmark your practices

Identify which of your practices are performing, and which are underperforming. Action consistency across your group to ensure every practice can succeed.  

Comparing practices within your practice group

Easily compare your practices and get a high-level overview of the health of your business.

Snapshot for your group's key business metrics

Gain insights into where your billings are coming from across all your practices to determine financial sustainability. Drawing information from your practice management systems to help you identify sources of untapped billings, potential cost-saving opportunities and minimise risk.

Insights into your practice's outstanding debt

Find opportunities to increase cash flow and reduce your risk of bad debt by reviewing the unpaid accounts across your practice group.


Clinical insight for group quality improvement

Get a snapshot look at the total CDM opportunities by practice. Utilise this data to determine which of your practices could benefit from investing in additional staff. Ensuring that you continue providing proactive patient care and taking advantage of your CDM opportunities

Gain insight into what is happening across your practice group

More great features from Cubiko

Everything you need to reduce the stress in running a practice

item optimisation

Item Optimisation

Deliver outstanding patient care by optimising your use of MBS item numbers

practice billings

Billing Optimisation

Using data to identify missed billing opportunities



Set, track, and measure key metrics to see how your practice is traveling towards meeting its business targets

Trusted, reliable, loved by practices

Hear what your colleagues in the industry have to say