Cubiko Assist
A free dashboard for running an amazing General Practice
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Practice reporting made easy
Cubiko Assist includes all the metrics and reports you need to run an amazing practice. Gain quick and easy insight into billings, chronic disease management, appointments, and more!
Grow and improve your chronic disease management program
By uncovering opportunities for 10997s and 75+ health assessments.
- Displays relevant opportunities
- Easily accessible by your CDM team
- Promotes improved continuity of care
Take the stress out of MyMedicare
MyMedicare patient registration brings changes to CDM and Telehealth. Save time and reduce the stress of registering patients with bulk patient file updates to Best Practice
Find frequent hospital visitors and RACF patients to register for MyMedicare. Lock in new funding streams and ensure you’re registering the right patients for MyMedicare.
Get started with Assist
Join hundreds of practices using Cubiko to gain deeper insight into their practice