
Investing in Technology and Relationships

AstuteMed provides expert taxation and business advice tailored to the unique needs of Queensland’s medical professionals. Their business advice encompasses setting up a new medical, buying into an existing practice, or exiting a practice. They can also help value a business, develop a plan, and liaise with everyone involved in the practice to achieve business and personal goals.

Their tailored approach focuses on assisting clients in operating their medical business more efficiently, profitably and minimising personal and industry exposure to risk and liabilities.

They work closely with their clients to provide expert advice by quickly identifying opportunities and challenges and developing positive strategies for change and growth.

Together Cubiko and AstuteMed look to:

  • Focus on Core Business Issues – Have more time and energy in directing your focus towards your core business issues, as well as in developing new services and finding innovative ways to usher in new customers.
  • Minimise Risks: Have a better understanding of the financial side of the business, especially for first-time entrepreneurs, in order to minimise risks and have more control over the business’ cash flow.
  • Make Informed Decisions: Improve decision-making capabilities by clearly seeing the hard and true numbers of the business.

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