How Vantre Health Services uses Cubiko to empower their team with data
Vantre Health Services is a leading multidisciplinary clinic group based on the Gold Coast, Australia. Over the past 17 years, their team of highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals have been dedicated to providing outstanding care to their patients and local community.
We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Shane Hatton, General Manager, and Nova Frahm, Nurse to chat about their journey with Cubiko. During this conversation, we learnt a lot about what practice life was like before implementing Cubiko. While also gaining a deeper understanding of the impact that Cubiko has had on streamlining their operations and operating the practice’s overall efficiency.
“Before Cubiko, our reporting was largely excel based. We had a number of extensive, multilayered excel spreadsheets for financial analysis. While our spreadsheets were extensive and gave us a lot of information, it wasn’t necessarily information that was as readily available as what we can now get from Cubiko.”
The Opportunity
Like many practices on the Gold Coast and Southeast Brisbane, Vantre Health Services started off as a Bulk Billing practice group. However, the last 12 months have seen many practices shift their billing model from Bulk Billing to Mixed Billing to keep up with the stagnant Medicare rebates and rising costs of doing business.
“[Mixed billing] presented a number of challenges internally for [Vantre Health Services], because for the large part of 17 years, GP’s, Staff and Patients have only known 100% bulk billing”, says Shane.
Shane knew that switching to mixed billing was essential for sustainability. The team needed the right data in order to successfully transition to mixed billing while still providing high accessibility to care for their patients.
Vantre Health Services needed a solution that would:
- Streamline their reporting and processes
- Provide access to readily available information to management and the wider team
- Help identify opportunities to provide outstanding patient care
The Solution
Vantre Health Services rolled out Cubiko across all 4 of their practices on the Gold Coast to gain deeper insight into the opportunities that can be realised from their practice data.

Streamlined Reporting
“Before Cubiko, our reporting was largely excel based,” says Shane. “We had a number of extensive multilayered excel spreadsheets for financial analysis. While our spreadsheets were extensive and gave us a lot of information, it wasn’t necessarily information that was as readily available as what we can now get from Cubiko.”
Nurse Nova Frahm described life before Cubiko when doing Chronic Disease Management as “time consuming”. “Now with Cubiko, our days are more time effective, efficient, and the data we need is in our face.”
Getting data into the hands of the wider practice team
Prior to Cubiko, the reports Shane and the Vantre Health Services team were tracking were mostly geared towards management, senior management and practice owners.
Since the implementation of Cubiko across all four of their practices, Vantre Health Services have seen the positive impact that access to data can have on the wider practice team.
“What we do like about Cubiko is that we can have multiple permission levels and roles within the practice set up so they can access the data that is relevant to them.” says Shane. He continues, “We work with the team to tailor their favourites to make a difference and make their work easier. So, they can focus on improving the quality of care they provide and continue looking after patients.”

Enhanced patient care through proactive campaigns with data
To support their proactive health campaigns, the Vantre Health Services nursing team proactively use Cubiko’s Item Optimisation cabinet to identify patients who may be due or eligible for care plans or health assessments and booking them in for appointments.
Nurse Nova Frahm explains that their proactive health campaigns have had a positive response from patients. She recalls a story of a patient whose heart condition would have gone undiagnosed without these proactive health campaigns.
“At the start of the year I was focusing on getting patients in for an Item 699.” says Nova “The first patient we had in for a Heart Health Check was a 73-year-old male. He had perfect blood pressure, ate well, didn’t smoke, no alcohol and exercised. He’s been to the practice before and there was never a reason to do an ECG. We got him in for a Heart Health Check, did an ECG and off to the hospital he goes with complications. Without that Heart Health Check it would have gone undiagnosed.”
The Results
Streamlined Reporting
Cubiko has helped Vantre Health Services streamline its reporting, making it easier for their management team and owners to access near real-time reports, and get data into the hands of the wider practice team.
Enhanced Patient Care
Cubiko has helped the nursing team at Vantre Health Services by easily identifying patients who may be due or eligible for care plans or health assessments and booking them in for appointments.
“What we do like about Cubiko is that we can have multiple permission levels and roles within the practice set up so they can access the data that is relevant to them.”