How’s your day looking?
- Cubiko, Data, KPI's
- Chris Smeed
- December 10, 2020
You’ve dropped the kids off, you’ve grabbed a coffee, you’ve made it to the clinic and you’re wondering what the day has in store for you.
If you’re with Cubiko, there’s no need to wonder anymore; Cubiko tells you.
Each day matters
Days that don’t go to plan cost you money. If patients don’t show, there’s no-one to bill. If invoices aren’t batched and sent, they can’t be paid. If you don’t know a patient is eligible for a certain item number, you can’t claim it.
That’s why Cubiko contains a range of metrics to help you make the most of each day.
Today's clinic metrics
Under clinic insights on the Cubiko menu, you’ll see today’s clinic metrics: How’s my day looking?
If you’re a practice manager or lead receptionist, you need to look at this first thing every morning to get an overview of the upcoming day and help you manage the most likely issues.
The practice earns money for seeing patients. So, you need to ensure that appointment time is well used. Cubiko helps you to do this
Unconfirmed appointments today
With this metric, you’ll see how many unconfirmed appointments there are today, how many of those patients have a history of not showing up and which ones have the highest chance of wasting your time today.
That means you can call those people first to ensure they either attend or cancel so you can reallocate their slot.
Done all that? Then get a headstart on tomorrow by identifying unconfirmed patients in the future clinic metrics section.
Clinic booking and consulting utilisation
If you can’t get through to a patient with a strong history of not attending, then you can double-book those appointments, feeling fairly confident that the patient probably won’t show.
Clinic booking utilisation shows you how full your doctors’ diaries are. For each time slot, you can see whether there’s one or more patients booked, guiding your double-booking choices.
To make sure you’re using the most up-to-date info, check the date and time in the bottom right-hand corner to see the last time the data was synced between Cubiko and Best Practice.
Utilisation by practitioner today
With this metric, you’ll see how many unconfirmed appointments there are today, how many of those patients have a history of not showing up and which ones have the highest chance of wasting your time today.
That means you can call those people first to ensure they either attend or cancel so you can reallocate their slot.
Done all that? Then get a headstart on tomorrow by identifying unconfirmed patients in the future clinic metrics section.
Non-patient facing hours by practitioner today
This is an important metric, allowing you to see what portion of your practitioners’ time is spent not seeing patients.
There are three other metrics that help you understand the value of this time:
- Combining non-patient facing hours by practitioner today with billings per hour enables you to calculate how much lost revenue this time represents
- Billings per consulting hour by practitioner helps you determine how much revenue was lost to non-patient-facing hours and how much you could gain if those appointments were free for patient bookings
- Unbooked hours shows you which practitioners have the most unbooked time.
These metrics help you decide whether these non-patient-facing hours are worth the valuable time spent away from earning money by treating patients?
Learn from last week
Utilisation over the last 7 days shows you the fallout of those patients booked but not seen.
Is your DNA rate too high? Are you practitioners overworked with multiple concurrent bookings? Or do you need to reduce your appointment slot session times to ensure you are getting the right amount of appointments for your practitioners?
Understanding what happened last week helps you tweak this week to improve your billings.
Are admin duties that reflect on your practice at audit time falling through the cracks? How quickly are recalls and reminders being actioned by your practitioners and nurses?
Cubiko contains metrics such as recalls, recall appointments to rebook, investigations, contacted not given and overdue reminders.
Keeping on top of your recalls and reminders helps you to:
- Provide high-quality care to patients, ensuring they don’t miss out on valuable health services and follow-on care
- Generate bookings that create revenue.
Under investigations, contacted not given, you can see which practitioners are not completing the ‘results given’ box in Best Practice. Then you can ensure that these results are indeed passed along to patients.
Item eligibility today
This star of the show should be a daily focus for you as it shows:
- A graph of service opportunities by practitioner
- A list of patients with upcoming appointments who may be eligible to book for a variety of revenue-generating items. Cubiko looks at a patient’s billing history to identify items they may be eligible for.
Cubiko contains many financial metrics such as unbatched invoices, outstanding rejections and debtors.
We recommend checking these daily as you need to keep a close eye on how these administrative details are affecting the financial performance of your practice.
Outstanding rejections allows you to understand your current level of rejections and the average age of rejected invoices. Remember, there’s a time limit on how long you can wait until you resubmit a rejected invoice, so keeping an eye on this daily is important.
With unbatched invoices, you can easily keep an eye on the grand total outstanding from unbatched invoices alone. Clicking further into this metric, you can see:
- Invoice dates
- Who raised the invoice
- Who is due to pay it
- The number of services billed to that item.
Meanwhile, the debtors metric shows the current value of your debtors totals at, allowing you to sort by age of invoice and check in to see if there are any errors. You can also search by patients to see if there are any items that should be billed to Medicare, so you are able to process these.
How's your day finishing?
If you’ve deftly used all these metrics, you should have had a good day.
A day where the right patients came at the right time for the right care.
A day where your practice received full payment for the valuable services you provide.
A day where your clinical and admin staff felt the joy of helping your local community.
If you’d like to have days like that, then it’s time to book a demo of Cubiko to see how it could transform your practice.