Beginners guide for the Top 8 Best Practice Reports
- Cubiko, Data, KPI's
- Rob Dickson
- December 8, 2022
Best Practice Software offers comprehensive reporting tools that can be used to streamline your business operations. You can use these reports to monitor patient care, track billing and reimbursement, and assess the performance of your staff. Additionally, Best Practice Software offers various customisable reports that can be tailored to meet your practices specific needs.
In this article we will introduce you to the top eight Best Practice Software reports; outline some use cases on how to use these reports in your medical practice and some common use cases for Best Practice Software reporting.
Getting started with Best Practice Software Reporting
When you first start using Best Practice Software, it can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many features and tools to explore that it can be hard to know where to start. However, with a little guidance, you can quickly learn how to use the reporting tools to streamline your business operations. The best place to start is by familiarising yourself with the basics.
Best Practice Software offers a wide range of reports that can help you track patient care, assess staff performance, and monitor billing and reimbursement. You can also use these reports to evaluate your business practices and find ways to improve your bottom line.
In addition to the standard reports, Best Practice Software also offers customisable reports that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. These reports can be used to monitor any aspect of your practice, from patient contact information to daily takings. Overall, the Best Practice Software reporting tool is an invaluable resource for any practice owner looking to streamline their operations. With these tools at your disposal, you can make informed decisions about how to improve your business and achieve better results.
Below is a list of the top eight Best Practice Software reports from Best Practice Premier (Bp Premier). We’re specifically looking at reports available in Bp Premier Saffron and above. To tie it altogether you can present these reports back to your team through your goal tracking register, or create your own dashboard.
8. QI Reporting
In 2019 the The Practice Incentives Program Quality Improvement Incentive (PIP QI) was launched. PIP QI is a payment to encourage practices to participate in quality improvement activities, that are aimed at improving patient outcomes through the delivery of high-quality care.
In order to be eligible to participate in the PIP QI, practices must be:
- Accredited against The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for general practices (4th or 5th edition)
- Participate in continuous Quality Improvement
- Provide the PIP eligible data set to their local PHN
Practices can use Bp Premier’s Reporting Tool to extract the data for their PIP QI. Practices are required to forward the report file containing the de-identified data to their local PHN at least once within the dates specified in the data submission period.

Photo by: Australian Government – My Health Record
7. Shared Health Summary Report
As part of the PIP eHealth Incentive, practices are required to calculate and report the number of Shared Health Summaries (SHS) that have been uploaded to My Health Record. The Bp Premier Reporting Tool offers a report that provides information on these uploads, broken down by location.
There is potential discrepancy for practices with multiple locations set up in Bp Premier. The report does not account for multiple sites when calculating the total number of Shared Health Summaries uploaded. The Department of Health recommends that the total number of Uploaded SHS be calculated manually for practices with multiple locations in order to report incentive eligibility accurately.
If you have multiple practices and are using Cubiko, you can find each Shared Health Summary across your Cubiko practices and view with aggregated reporting.
6. Wait Time Report
Wait time reports are an important part of understanding how your practice is performing. The Appointment Statistics reports in Bp Premier offer detailed information about wait times for both patient and non-patient appointments.
The Patient Wait Time report shows the average wait time for all patient appointments in a given date range. This report can be filtered by provider, location, or service type.
The Non-Patient Wait Time report shows the average wait time for all non-patient appointments in a given date range. This report can also be filtered by provider, location, or service type.
Both reports offer detailed information about the average wait time for each appointment type (e.g. routine, urgent, same day). This information can help you identify appointment types that are experiencing longer wait times and take action to address them.
You can use Wait Times in your practice to understand how late you may be running in your practice. This is an important metric as to the customer service you are providing to your patients. You can use Cubiko to get deeper insights into your Patient Wait Time and your Diary Wait Time to build a thriving practice.

5. Adjustment-based Reconciliation Report
The Reconciliation report is a great way to compare your practice’s bank account transactions with the payments that were recorded in Bp Premier. This report can help you identify any discrepancies and take action to correct them.
There are two ways to run the Reconciliation report:
1. Transaction-based reconciliation – this option compares your bank account transactions with the payments that were recorded in Bp Premier. It does not take into account any adjustments that have been made in Bp Premier.
2. Adjustment-based reconciliation – this option compares the payments that were recorded in Bp Premier with the bank account transactions. It takes into account any adjustments that have been made in Bp Premier.
Both options offer a detailed view of the discrepancies between your bank account and Bp Premier. The Adjustment-based reconciliation report also includes a column for the total amount of adjustments made in Bp Premier. This can be helpful for troubleshooting discrepancies.
4. Banking Reports - Held Accounts
The Banking Reports offer a detailed view of all payments that have been recorded in Bp Premier. There are four reports available:
1. Bank Transactions report – this report shows all transactions that have been recorded in your bank account, including payments from Bp Premier and any adjustments that have been made.
2. Payment History report – this report shows all payments that have been made in Bp Premier, including the date, payment method, and amount.
3. Batched Payments report – this report shows all batches that have been banked, including the date, payment method, and amount.
4. Deposit Summary report – this report shows all deposits and refunds that have been recorded in Bp Premier, including the date, payment method, and amount.
Our favourite banking report is the held accounts report. It is crucial to keep an eye on held accounts to maintain cash flow to your practice. The Held Accounts report can help you track the total number of held accounts and determine whether the held account total for a given period has risen or fallen beyond a practices ‘average’ or defined limits.

3. Debtors - Aged Outstanding Invoices Report
The Debtor Reports in Bp Premier offers a detailed view of all invoices that are owing to your practice. There are three reports available:
1. Outstanding Invoices report – this report shows all invoices that are owing to your practice, including the date, invoice number, and amount.
2. Aged Outstanding Invoices report – this report shows all invoices that are owing to your practice, grouped by the aging column relevant to the date the invoice was created.
3. Aged by Service Date Outstanding Invoices report – this report shows all invoices that are owing to your practice, grouped by the aging column relevant to the date the service was created.
The Aged Outstanding Invoices reports can be filtered by provider, location, or service type. This information can help you identify which services are causing you the most debt and prompt you to take action to address them.
2. Payments - by account type report
The Payments – by account type report shows a breakdown of all payments made in Bp Premier, sorted by the type of account that was billed. This report can be helpful for troubleshooting discrepancies between your bank account and Bp Premier.

Photo by: Best Practice

1. Daily Takings report
The Daily Takings report shows a breakdown of all payments made in Bp Premier, sorted by the type of account that was billed. This report can be helpful for troubleshooting discrepancies between your bank account and Bp Premier.
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